A Guide to Living in a World with Artificial Intelligence
White, BeboCategory
ScienceFrom fake flowers to faux food flavors, our world is full of things that are artificial – that is, produced by humans rather than by nature. As a result, artificial often has a negative connotation - artificial is inferior to the real thing. So, what does this imply about Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Are you baffled by all the discussions about Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Robotics and the impact that these emergent technologies are likely to have both positively and negatively on our future? But are you aware that this future is already here, and many aspects of our lives are already being shaped and made more convenient by Artificial Intelligence? Do you fear a future where systems driven by AI and ML play an increasing role? This course will take a broad view of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Robotics from their history in myth and literature, to their actual implementation and to the social and ethical issues they might bring to the present and future. Bebo White is a retired computational physicist who worked at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, the U.S. national laboratory for high-energy physics and basic energy science at Stanford University. Professor White still holds faculty appointments at several institutions, advisory positions on a variety of academic, government, and commercial committees, and is a member of the organizing committees of several major conference series. He is delighted to be a part of the Fromm community and has thoroughly enjoyed teaching several classes.